2 important things you may not know about your pay:
1. All workers in Ontario
Minimum wage went up to $17.20/hr on October 1, 2024. This is legally the lowest amount that the boss can pay you. Wages went up because workers like you fought for and won laws that tie wages to inflation. That means when prices go up, so does our pay. What other changes can we fight for and win together?
If you’re working in Canada after October 1, remember to check your wage statement (pay stub) and make sure your pay reflects this raise. You must be paid at least $17.20 per hour, even if you work a cash job.
If your boss is paying you less than $17.20/hour after October 1, they are breaking the law. You’re not alone and you have options! Send a WhatsApp message with the key words “FAIR PAY” to 905-324-2840 to learn more. Everything you share is private and confidential.

2. Farm workers on the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (8 month contract or less)
Look at your contract, section 3 clause 2. [Don’t have a copy of your contract? Tap here to read it online.]

This means that all your work hours combined over the season must equal at least an average of 40 hours per week. Even if you did not work an average minimum of 40 hours a week over the season, your boss agrees to pay you for this amount.
To find out if you’ve been paid properly for the full season:
- Look at your paystubs from 2024 and add together all the total hours you worked
- Take this total number and divide it by the number of weeks you worked over the season
- The number must be 40 or higher
- If the number is 39 or less, or if you’re having trouble calculating your hours, send a WhatsApp message with the key words “FAIR PAY” to 905-324-2840. Everything you share is private and confidential.