Another major victory to win renewable PGWPs!

Now, over 50,000 former international students have a second chance for permanent residency. Watch the video to learn what was announced today, how we did it and where we go from here.

The fight isn’t over! We still need immediate opening of applications, fair study and work permit rules, and PR #StatusforAll to ensure no-one is left behind. Join us!

#FairnessAgendaforMigrantStudents means:

+ PR Status for All: Speed up CEC, lower CRS scores, value all work, including NOC C&D, in-school, part-time and gig work, without unfair age, language and immigration status requirements

+ Fair Study and Work Permit Rules: End to the 20 hour work limit, permanently renewable Post Graduate Work Permits

+ Equal Rights and Dignity: Lower tuition fees, access to scholarships and school support, decent work, fair housing, equal access to healthcare, and family unity

International Student Campaign Update: What’s Going On?

Read updates below about what’s going on in our campaign to win changes to permit and immigration rules.

Current & former international students! Register to join the monthly organizing meeting to hear about what we’re up to and make plans for what’s next: Wednesday June 1, 7pm EST / 4pm PST

If you haven’t already, sign and share this petition to demand fairness for all of us:

Here’s why: 

The announcement

On April 22nd, the federal government announced that they would create open work permits for migrant students whose post-graduate work permits were expiring or expired. 

Problems with the PGWP open work permits

But there were two major problems. First, the program is only open to those whose permits have expired or will be expiring between January 31, 2022 to December 31, 2022. And second, while the promise was made, applications have still not opened. In the meantime, permits continue to expire, which means we are losing jobs, status, and our access to healthcare, income and wages

Why this change happened? 

This change, as you know, happened because current and former international students like you are organizing together across the country, signing petitions, joining press conferences, making phone calls, and organizing rallies and protests. We win access to our rights, when we take action collectively. 

What about the CEC draws?

The government also announced that the CEC draws would be opening in July. As you know, there have been no draws since September, so it would be 10 months by the time the draws re-open. As we wait, many of us are losing points and are worried that we will not get invited for PR because the CRS scores will be so high and there are limited spots. 

What about valuing all work?

Many of us work in school, we work part-time, and in essential, low-waged (NOC C & D jobs) and sometimes for cash. Yet none of this work counts towards PR in current immigration programs. We are essential yet excluded. The federal government’s announcement does not make PR rules better for any of us. 

What about study permit holders?

We continue to pay high tuition fees and rent, can’t get scholarships or income supports, and everyday prices rise at the grocery store and the gas pump. At the same time, when we work more than 20 hours, we face exploitation. Minister Fraser did not announce any changes for current study permit holders.

So, what do we do next?

The changes to the PGWP program are supposed to come into effect in June, so we have just a few days to make sure that no one is excluded. Last week, Migrant Students United sent another letter to Immigration Minister Sean Fraser, and on Friday, we met with staff from his office. Clearly, when we are loud together, the government will pay attention. So we must get even louder. Here’s how you can do that and raise your voice:

++ Register to join the monthly organizing meeting to hear about what we’re up to and make plans for what’s next: Wednesday June 1, 7pm EST / 4pm PST:

++ Sign up to join or organize a postering or petitioning action near you:

Any day now, we will get the government to do the right thing, and change the start date of the open work permit program to include those whose PGWPs expired last year. But that won’t be enough. Together, we will continue to speak up for our rights at work, at school, and for permanent resident status for each and every person in the country without it. 

If you haven’t yet, sign and share this petition:

United, we are stronger!

May 28, Toronto Action: Renew PGWP without Exclusion, Ensure Equal Rights, Fairness and PR Status for All Current & Former International Students

Current & former international students like you are gathering in downtown Toronto to take our message and demands for change to the public. Sign up now and join us!

WHEN: Saturday May 28, 3pm
WHERE: In front of Toronto City Hall (100 Queen St. W)

Come through, and share widely with your friends!

Migrant Students United is an organization of current and former international students who are uniting and coming together for equal rights, dignity, and permanent resident status for all. This year, we are continuing our campaign to win:

  • Renewable Post Graduate Work Permits without Exclusion, including Nov 27-Jan 31 expiry
  • End to the 20 Hour Work Rule on Study Permits
  • Real Access to PR for All: Lower CRS Scores, Speed Up CEC and Value All Work, including NOC C&D jobs, in-school and part-time work, without unfair age, language and status requirements

    Add your voice to the petition:

Migrant Student Workers Organize & Win Another Victory to Stop Mass Deportations!

We won. Today, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced changes to postgraduate work permit and immigration rules in direct response to migrant student workers like you who have been speaking up and taking action for equal rights and PR status for all! 

But too many are unfairly excluded. Only those whose postgraduate work permits expire after January 31, 2022 are eligible. And though CEC draws will reopen in July, there are half as many spots and too many of us will not qualify. The 20 hour work limit for study permit holders has not changed. 

We will continue to organize to ensure none of us are left behind. Wherever you are, take action!


What did we win today?

We have created a short video on what we won today and what still needs to be changed. Watch and share it with your friends right now!


We are not stopping.

If you want to hear more about the changes we won, and what the next steps are, join the next monthly organizing meeting on May 4, 2022, 7pm Toronto time / 4pm Vancouver time.

Register now:

United, we are stronger!

Rally in Toronto: Celebrate and Demand More!


CURRENT & FORMER INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS in Toronto: Come through for an action for equal rights and fair immigration rules!

WHEN: Saturday April 23, 1pm
WHERE: In front of Immigration Headquarters (74 Victoria St)

Sign up now and spread the word!

Migrant Students United is an organization of current and former international students who are uniting and coming together for equal rights, dignity, and permanent resident status for all. This year, we are continuing our campaign to win:

  • Permanently Renewable Post Graduate Work Permits for all
  • End to the 20 Hour Work Rule on Study Permits
  • Real Access to PR for All (including resuming CEC draws, valuing part-time, gig work and NOC C&D jobs, without unfair age, language and status requirements)

Add your voice to the petition: