Is your work permit expiring? Sign up to hear about your options!

If you have an expired or expiring work permit (post-graduate, LMIA, employer-sponsored, spousal, refugee), sign up to get more information about your rights and immigration options. 

Immigration laws are changing fast and you’re not alone! By the end of 2024, more than 200,000 post-graduate work permits (PGWP) and nearly 1.2 million total permits will expire. Already, many graduated international students and migrant workers are being fired, laid off or working for cash because their ​work permits cannot be renewed. 

It shouldn’t be this way – all workers should be able to work with rights and protections. Together, we can win fairness.

When We Fight, We Win: Learn from Charles’ Anti-Deportation Campaign to Win Status for All!

Migrant Workers Alliance for Change member Charles Mwangi fought and won a stop to his deportation – but how did he do it? Join Charles, members and other migrants online this Sunday, October 27 at 8pm ET | 5pm PT to learn about the strategies and tactics used in his campaign so we can fight for permanent residency for everyone, including undocumented people! Register below for your own individualized Zoom link – please do not share it!

¿Trabajo 40 horas promedio a la semana esta temporada, cómo indica su contrato del PTAT? 

Sabia que en el contrato del Programa de Trabajador@s Agricolas Temporales, en la sección 3 cláusula 4: “que la semana laboral minima promedio sea de 40 horas; y que, si las circunstancias impiden el cumplimiento de la sección 3, cláusula 4, el ingreso semanal promedio pagado al trabajador durante el periodo de empleo es el establecido en la sección 3, cláusula 4 a la tarifa minima por hora”

En otras palabras si usted trabajo menos de 40 horas a la semana promedio, le debieron pagar como si hubiera trabajado 40 horas a la semana, si su empleador no lo hizo así violo su contrato.

Si ya termino su temporada 2024 y quiere saber como calcular si trabajo 40 horas promedio, siga las instrucciones en el video para que sepa como calcular su promedio horas en esta temporada, si cree su patron no respeto su contrato, o tiene preguntas, llene la forma y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.

En la Alianza de Trabajador@s Migrantes por un Cambio somos una organización formada y liderada por migrantes y junt@s luchamos por la igualdad de derechos y la justicia migratoria. Llena la forma para que te unas con más trabajador@s que como tu quieren que les paguen lo justo.

Victory: International Students Beat Exclusionary Rule Changes!

As a result of our collective action, international students in college programs will NOT be denied post-graduate work permits based on their field of study. University and college graduates will still have to meet the language requirements, but the reversal of the field of study requirement is a massive win for working-class migrants and students. 

Almost 2000 letters were sent to the federal government calling on them to stop the injustice. Together, we prove that when we take action together, we can win changes. Read more about what happened and what the latest update is, as of October 4, 2024.

What happened?

Over the past 12 months, there has been a barrage of changes to immigration rules that capped and slashed rights for current and former international students. On September 18, 2024, the federal government announced more caps, and changed the rules in the middle of the game by restricting post-graduate work permit (PGWP) eligibility. These undemocratic changes would have affected hundreds of us who are already living, studying, and working here.

Originally, the federal government said that starting November 1st, 2024:

  • International students in college programs will NOT be eligible for PGWP unless we are studying in an industry that Canada wants;
  • Students in universities and colleges will have to get high language scores to apply for a work permit: CLB 7 for university, and CLB 5 for college;
  • More family separation and refusal of spousal open work permits;
  • Instead of more support for international students, more caps on how many can come in 2025, including those in Master’s or PhD programs.

What did we win on October 4, 2024?

When these changes were announced, we immediately called for all those who are already in the country or have applied to study permits to be “grandfathered in” under the original rules. Thousands jumped into action, and on October 4, 2024, the federal government partially reversed the changes. Now, the PGWP eligibility is as follows, and you can read the updates on the government’s website here.

For international students who are already studying in Canada or have applied for a study permit BEFORE November 1, 2024:

  • Students in public college diploma programs are eligible for post-graduate work permits under the original rules. This means that even if your program is not on the field of study list, you can get a work permit. You have been grandfathered in;
  • Students in university programs, such as bachelor’s, master’s or PhD programs, do NOT have to meet the field of study requirement. You are exempt;
  • Students in universities and colleges will STILL have to get high language scores to apply for work permits: CLB 7 for university, and CLB 5 for college;
  • If you are in flight school, these requirements DO NOT apply to you. You are exempt.

For international students who will apply for a study permit ON or AFTER November 1, 2024:

  • Students in public colleges must graduate in one of the following five fields of study to be eligible for the post-graduate work permit: (1) agriculture and agri-food, (2) healthcare, (3) science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), (4) trade, and (5) transport. You can see a list of courses titles that the government says qualifies for these fields of study here;
  • Students in university programs, such as bachelor’s degree, master’s degrees or PhD, do NOT have to meet the field of study requirement to qualify for post-graduate work permits. You are exempt;
  • Students in universities and colleges will have to get high language scores to apply for work permits: CLB 7 for university, and CLB 5 for college.

If you still have questions and/or want 1-on-1 support, please contact our free and confidential information hotline here:

What’s next?

Still, immigration caps are separating families, the most recent minimum points needed for permanent residency for the Canadian Experience Class was 509 (impossibly high), and more than 200,000 post-graduate work permits will expire by the end of 2024 and next year. 

Working people in Canada, including international students and migrants, are going through some of the hardest moments of our lives. At the same time, the richest few in the country are getting richer. These same people own grocery monopolies, housing corporations, push down working conditions for all of us, and are friends with politicians.

The federal government is threatening to cut permanent residency numbers for the Immigration Levels Plan set to be announced on November 1st. When we see politicians legitimizing this blame-game and attacking our rights, we must speak out and stand for justice together.

The rule reversal was a step forward, but there’s no guarantee that these sudden and unexpected changes will not happen again. This is our time to stand up, fight back and defend the rights of all.

We are the largest migrant student movement in the country – and clearly when we take action together, we can win. Join us in building power!

  • If you are a current or former international student, join the movement! Fill out this form and we will connect with you:
  • If you are a non-migrant supporter or ally, join the cross-country week of action against racism and xenophobia by hosting an event in your community:

Meet and Greet the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change

Interested in becoming a member of the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (MWAC)? Join this in-person Meet and Greet social in Toronto to meet with migrants like you, find out more about who the organization is, what becoming a member means, how members of MWAC build power, and what is our collective plan to win a better life for all. Register below!

Date: Sunday October 20, 2024
Time: 3:00PM to 4:30PM
Where: Toronto, MWAC Offices (720 Spadina Avenue, 2nd floor – map here

Members of Migrant Workers Alliance for Change are current or former migrant farmworkers, careworkers, international students (study permit and post-graduate work permit), and undocumented people.

Now more than ever, we need to unite, build community and defend our rights. Can we count on you to join us?

Sign up here:

Migrant farmworkers: Are you getting paid properly?

2 important things you may not know about your pay:

1. All workers in Ontario

Minimum wage went up to $17.20/hr on October 1, 2024. This is legally the lowest amount that the boss can pay you. Wages went up because workers like you fought for and won laws that tie wages to inflation. That means when prices go up, so does our pay. What other changes can we fight for and win together?

If you’re working in Canada after October 1, remember to check your wage statement (pay stub) and make sure your pay reflects this raise. You must be paid at least $17.20 per hour, even if you work a cash job.

If your boss is paying you less than $17.20/hour after October 1, they are breaking the law. You’re not alone and you have options! Send a WhatsApp message with the key words “FAIR PAY” to 905-324-2840 to learn more. Everything you share is private and confidential.

2. Farm workers on the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (8 month contract or less)

Look at your contract, section 3 clause 2. [Don’t have a copy of your contract? Tap here to read it online.]

This means that all your work hours combined over the season must equal at least an average of 40 hours per week. Even if you did not work an average minimum of 40 hours a week over the season, your boss agrees to pay you for this amount.

To find out if you’ve been paid properly for the full season:

  1. Look at your paystubs from 2024 and add together all the total hours you worked
  2. Take this total number and divide it by the number of weeks you worked over the season
  3. The number must be 40 or higher
  4. If the number is 39 or less, or if you’re having trouble calculating your hours, send a WhatsApp message with the key words “FAIR PAY” to 905-324-2840. Everything you share is private and confidential.

Info session: Updated International Student Rules

As of October 4, the federal government updated post-graduate work permit eligibility after current and former international students fought to reverse the changes announced. Join an online information session to get updates about the newest changes for current and former international students, and what’s next in the fight to build a migrant student movement.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
6pm EST
Via Zoom – Register below for the link

Ask your questions when you register and get answers by experts! Learn about how you can get involved to win fairness for international students.

Become a member

The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (MWAC) is an organization for and by migrants. We are uniting to win rights at work and immigration justice. 

Our members are migrants only! This means you are currently or were recently in Canada without permanent resident status.

By becoming a member, you will learn more about your rights as a worker, have access to support, build your leadership skills and be part of our movement to ensure rights and justice for all. Members participate in monthly meetings, as well as online and in-person activities and become part of a supportive community of workers & friends. 

Members believe in building our collective power and being in solidarity with workers speaking up for justice anywhere in the world. See below for the list of responsibilities and benefits of becoming a member!

Fill out the membership form to apply to be a member and we will be in touch!

Membership Form

Member Responsibilities

  • Attend at least 6 out of 12 meetings per year (either in-person or online);
  • Receive regular communication and respond to them 
  • Participate in regular trainings, events and activities; 
  • Outreach to other workers, and invite them to be part of our movement; and 
  • Represent the collective voice of migrants and Migrant Workers Alliance for Change.

Member Benefits

  • You join a community of migrant leaders fighting for change;
  • Get invited to special events and receive support from others in a similar situation;
  • Opportunities to speak to elected officials, decision-makers and the media;
  • Get priority support (attention) if you are facing problem or if you are being treated unfairly; 
  • Get free workshops and training on topics such as workplace rights; immigration issues; taxes and Employment Insurance; accessing health care and social support systems; and collective organizing 101.

Build the Movement for International Students!

If you want to join in building a movement to push back against regressive and unfair changes to international student rules, fill out this form. If you are an international student, we also have some spots open for paid outreach program to build power on campuses across the country to reverse the changes before November 1st.

Webinar: New rules for international students (study permit and PGWP)

Join an online information session to get updates about the new announcements for current and former international students. There’s a lot of misinformation circulating, including in the media. Ask your questions when you register and get answers by experts! You’ll also hear concrete strategies and tips on how to best support international students who contact you.  

Date: Thursday October 3, 2024
Time: 12PM Eastern, 9AM Pacific
Length: 60 minutes

The federal government announced a series of new rules for current and former international students this year, including most recently last week. Massive changes are set to take effect on November 1, 2024. Please share widely so that we all have the right information for students.