International Students and Workers, Stand Up for Justice with MWAC!
Confused by the immigration rule changes? Got problems at work? Come learn your rights and speak to current and former international students standing up together against these unfair policies
Join us from 11 a.m to 12:30 p.m on Thursday, February 20th at Seneca College – York.
International Students and Workers, Stand Up for Justice with MWAC!
Confused by the immigration rule changes? Got problems at work? Come learn your rights and speak to current and former international students standing up together against these unfair policies
Join us from 4 p.m to 5 p.m on Wednesday, February 19th at George Brown College St James Campus
In this booklet, you will learn about your rights as a worker in the seafood sector.
This workbook will help you understand your contract, know your rights, and protect yourself from abuse.
Knowing your rights will help you stay healthy and safe so that you can take care of your family and loved ones.
But knowing our rights is not enough!
That’s why migrant fishery workers like you are coming together and taking action so that we can achieve a better life for all workers and our families.
En este folleto aprendera sobre sus derechos como trabajadores del sector de Mariscos en el Atlantico.
Este libro de trabajo le ayudará a comprender su contrato, conocer sus derechos y protegerse contra el abuso.
Conocer sus derechos le ayudará a mantenerse saludable y seguro para que pueda cuidar de su familia y seres queridos.
Pero conocer nuestros derechos no es suficiente…
Es por eso que los trabajadores pesqueros migrantes como usted se están uniendo y actuando juntos para que podamos lograr una vida mejor para todos los trabajadores y nuestras familias.
We are migrant care workers, just like you, and we are here to make sure caregivers get real, trustworthy information—without scams or delays.
The federal government has announced the new Caregiver Program will open on March 31, 2025—something we have fought for years! But the details haven’t been released yet, and greedy consultants are already spreading false information to take your money.
Sign up now for free, fast & legit updates:
✅ Get a step-by-step guide on how to prepare now—before the program is announced. ✅ Be the first to know when applications open, with clear instructions on how to apply. ✅ Join an online support meeting with other caregivers to help each other through the process.
Don’t let scammers take your money! Fill out the form now and share it with your friends who needs accurate information.
En 2023, mientras trabajaba con un permiso de trabajo cerrado en el sector pesquero de New Brunswick, Itzel enfrentó despidos inesperados debido a una escasez de langosta. Este es un problema común en el sector pesquero del Atlántico, dejando a cientos de trabajadores sin ingresos mientras tienen que poner comida en la mesa y pagar la renta.
Cuando a Itzel le negaron el seguro de desempleo, se negó a aceptarlo. Con el apoyo de nuestra organización, la Alianza de Trabajadores Migrantes por el Cambio, luchó por sus derechos y finalmente ganó más de $2,000 en beneficios de EI.
La victoria de Itzel demuestra que podemos ganar cuando estamos unidos y luchamos por nuestros derechos. Ella invita a tod@s los trabajador@s a unirse a la Alianza de Trabajadores Migrantes por el Cambio y luchar por nuestros derechos.
In 2023, while working on a closed work permit in New Brunswick’s fishery sector, Itzel faced unexpected layoffs due to a lobster shortage. This is a common issue in the Atlantic fishery sector, leaving hundreds of workers without income and having to put food on their tables and pay rent.
When Itzel was denied unemployment insurance, she refused to accept it. With the support of our organization, the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, she fought for her rights and ultimately won over $2,000 in EI benefits.
Itzel’s victory shows that we can win when we stand united and fight for their rights.
She encourages all workers to join the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change and fight for our rights!
La Alianza de Trabajador@s Migrantes por un Cambio somos una organización formada por Trabajadores Migrantes como usted, junt@s luchamos por la dignidad y la justicia migrante, esto incluye unidad familiar, mejores condiciones en el trabajo y la vivienda e igualdad de derechos.
Sabemos que cada temporada l@s Trabajador@s Agrícolas se enfrentan a muchos retos, esto no es justo. Por años l@s Trabajador@s Migrantes han hecho mucho por este país, viviendo condiciones laborales y de vivienda inhumanas.
⏰ ¿No cree que ya es hora de que las cosas cambien? Complete el cuestionario anónimo y confidencial para que nos diga:
¿Cómo le fue este año 2024?
¿Si pudiera qué cambiaria en la temporada 2025?
Sus experiencias y opiniones son muy importantes para poder apoyarle mejor y exponer la realidad de l@s trabajador@s agrícolas y unirnos para lograr los cambios que merecemos.
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change is excited to offer community organizations the opportunity to receive free, valuable informational workbooks tailored specifically for seasonal farm and fishery workers. To order, fill out the form below by February 3.
Sample pages:
“This book was a big eye-opener about my rights.”
Throughout 2024, we tested the workbook with groups of seasonal farmworkers and the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive. Workers learned, in some cases for the first time, exactly what’s in their contract. This resource provides essential information on wages, deductions, housing, health & safety, and more, giving workers the knowledge they need to thrive while living and working in Canada.
By filling out the simple form below, you can gain access to essential resources to empower and support migrant workers.
Don’t miss out—fill out the form by February 3! Copies will be mailed to you by the end of February.