Support migrant farmworkers affected by Hurricane Beryl: Donate here

Making history as the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record, Hurricane Beryl left a trail of destruction that devastated migrant farmworker communities in the Caribbean. Farmworkers feed you and sustain the Canadian economy – now they are asking for your support to keep food on their families’ tables and rebuild their homes.

40 farmworker members of MWAC and their families in Jamaica and St Vincent have been impacted by the storm and we are seeking $150/member in emergency funds for food, roof repairs, and flood recovery.

  • $10 can buy 10 chicken noodle soup mix packets
  • $58 can purchase a large zinc roofing sheet

Troubles with Taxes: Caribbean Seasonal Farmworkers

Did you know there are changes to your contract this year that impact your taxes? According to section 7, by signing the contract you are designating the liaison office to submit and file your tax returns. This means you no longer have a choice to file your own taxes or hire a professional!

There are many issues with giving the liaison office responsibility for taxes, including delayed and misplaced tax returns, lack of access to CRA account, and even theft. This isn’t fair!

What problems have you experienced with the liaison filing your taxes? Let us know so that we can collect evidence and show how big this problem is! Together we can unite and win change to benefit all farmworkers and our families.​

Become a member

The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (MWAC) is an organization for and by migrants. We are uniting to win rights at work and immigration justice. 

By becoming a member, you will learn more about your rights as a worker, have access to support, build your leadership skills and be part of our movement to ensure rights and justice for all. Members participate in monthly meetings, as well as online and in-person activities and become part of a supportive community of workers & friends. 

Members believe in building our collective power and being in solidarity with workers speaking up for justice anywhere in the world. See below for the list of responsibilities and benefits of becoming a member!

Membership Form

Member Responsibilities

  • Attend at least 6 out of 12 meetings per year (either in-person or online);
  • Receive regular communication and respond to them 
  • Participate in regular trainings, events and activities; 
  • Outreach to other workers, and invite them to be part of our movement; and 
  • Represent the collective voice of migrants and Migrant Workers Alliance for Change.

Member Benefits

  • You join a community of migrant leaders fighting for change;
  • Get invited to special events and receive support from others in a similar situation;
  • Opportunities to speak to elected officials, decision-makers and the media;
  • Get priority support (attention) if you are facing problem or if you are being treated unfairly; 
  • Get free workshops and training on topics such as workplace rights; immigration issues; taxes and Employment Insurance; accessing health care and social support systems; and collective organizing 101.

Cherry workers, share your story!

Migrant cherry workers in the Okanagan region of BC (Lake Country, Kelowna, Oliver, etc) are reporting that cherry farms have closed, their requests have been cancelled, and Jamaican women are being told there are no placements for female workers. This is unfair!

Are you one of these workers affected by closures? We need to hear from you! Take action now and share your story – fill out the survey below! Everything you share is private and confidential; survey is only complete when you press the red button at the end.

Farmworkers: Check your wages for updates!

Did you know that wages for migrant farmworkers were updated recently? Keep reading to make sure you’re being paid correctly!

How to find your rights on wages

As a migrant farmworker, you have certain rights according to your contract – including wages. Do you know where to look in your contract for information about your wages?

If you’re a seasonal farmworker (8 months contract or less), look at page 4 of your contract under “PAYMENT OF WAGES“. What does it say?

[If you don’t have a copy of your contract with you, tap this link for an online version.]

It says that your boss must pay you weekly wages at a rate that is equal to or above the following rates, whichever rate is highest:

  • The provincial wage for farmworkers according to where you work;
  • The prevailing (or median) wage rate for the type of work you do in the area where you’re employed, as decided by Employment and Social Development Canada (the government department that administers the seasonal farmwork program); OR
  • The wages that your boss is paying other seasonal workers who are doing the same type of work you do.

Often the second option (prevailing or median wage) is the highest, and this rate is updated every year so be sure to check back each season. The most recent update was November 29, 2023. Are you being paid properly? Keep reading to find out!

How to find your wage rate

First, look at your work permit under “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION” and find where it says “OCCUPATION/PROFESSION“. What does it say?

Next, tap this link:

You should see this:

In the white box, type the occupation that’s listed on your work permit. Press the blue “Search” button.

Then, scroll down to where it says “Hourly wages by community/area“. You will see 3 columns: Low ($/hour), Median ($/hour), and High ($/hour).

Finally, find the region where you’re employed and look under the Median ($/hour) column in the middle. Whatever rate is stated there is your rate of pay according to your contract.

How to report contract violations

Is your boss not paying you correctly? Not sure if your wages are right?

You’re not alone! Message Kit on WhatsApp at 905-324-2840 for support.

Fund Migrant Worker Wage Theft Fightback

Every year, migrant farm and fishery workers face a grave injustice – tens of thousands of dollars in wages stolen by bad bosses. Trapped in a system of indentureship where speaking up means risking homelessness, poverty, deportation, and a ban from returning, workers rarely fight back. When they do – they are often denied their rights because they don’t have “evidence”.

Our Solution: Worker Rights Hand Book

We’re launching a Worker Rights Handbook and Video Series for migrants to know their rights, and gather evidence of exploitation.

Where your contribution will go

  • Legal Consultation: Ensuring workers have the best legal support when they speak up.
  • Video Development: Creating informative and empowering content,
  • Handbook Design: A comprehensive way to learn rights and track hours and wages.
  • Translation: Making our handbook available in many languages.
  • Distribution: Directly to migrants workers in farms and fish plants in rural communities across Canada.

Every dollar matters

  • $20,000: We will create and distribute the handbook with videos in English and Spanish to over 4,000 workers.
  • $40,000: We will add Thai, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Indigenous languages, and create additional videos.
  • $60,000: We will turn the handbook into an app that workers can use to gather evidence, learn their rights and connect with others.

To contribute

  • Via credit card: On this page
  • Interac:
  • Cheque: Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, 720 Spadina Avenue, Suite 223, Toronto, ON M5S 2T9

Treat Farmworkers Fair: TAKE ACTION

[Tap here to sign the petition]

The Minister of Labour in Jamaica, Pearnel Charles Jr., recently promised to open the overseas farmwork program to people with disabilities and create an even larger pool of workers to abuse and exploit. Does that sound fair to you?

Keep reading for 2 simple actions you can take!

1.Watch this video to learn 3 reasons why this promise is not the progressive measure the Ministry claims it to be:

2. Sign the petition below to send a message to Minister Charles – tell him to treat farmworkers fair! We want an end to the unfair practice of blacklisting, which bans farmworkers who get injured or speak up about our rights as humans and workers. Scroll down to sign or tap here to read the full petition.

Because migrants are denied permanent status in Canada, seasonal migrant farmworkers are forced to depend on our bosses to get requested back to the country each year. We are threatened with being banned (blacklisted) from the farmwork program if we speak up about abuse and unsafe conditions.

This unfair practice of blacklisting will end – but only if we take action together today!

We are uniting as migrant farmworkers to call on the Minister of Labour Pearnel Charles Jr. to:

  • Meet with Migrant Workers Alliance for Change farmworker members and listen to workers’ concerns;
  • End the discriminatory practice of blacklisting, as directed by migrant farmworkers;
  • Create an ombuds office at the Ministry of Labour to support farmworkers who have not been requested back by their employer, and to facilitate placement on another farm;
  • Call on the Canadian government to grant permanent resident status to all migrants on arrival, including seasonal farmworkers.

Your personal information will be kept private and confidential, we will never share your name or contact information and will only use it to keep you updated.

Fill out the Government Survey for Migrant Workers and Speak Up for Your Rights!

The federal government is asking Temporary Foreign Workers to share their opinions. This is a great opportunity to speak up for your rights. 

Why should you do the survey?

  • It’s anonymous! 
  • You can tell the government what you really think.
  • It will only take you 10 minutes. 

But remember:

  • It’s not enough to just share your ideas.
  • Join with other migrant workers like you by calling or sending us a WhatsApp message to learn what else you can do. 

How do I complete the survey?

  • We have put all the sections from the survey here below, so you can read them and get inspired. 
  • The sections in the survey are bolded, and our suggested answers are highlighted in yellow 
  • You can read all the questions below and then click the link to start the survey

Click this link to start: Government Survey for Migrant Workers and Speak Up for Your Rights!

  • You can use the answers below to be inspired or you can copy and paste in the Federal government survey.

Section 1

Questions 1 to 5

These first five questions are personal questions such as: Have you ever been a temporary foreign worker in Canada? The year you worked in Canada, the type of job you did, and where you worked (province and city). 

Section 2 

Question 6 

Asks you if you are in a union. 

Section 3

Questions 7 to 24

In this section you will find questions about your experiences in Canada, such as infomation about your rights as a migrant worker you know, where did you find said information. Were you able to exercise your rights, living and working conditions, send a report to ESDC, open work permit for vulnerable workers. 

Remember to think of your worst experience in Canada when answering these questions. When you find a box use that opportunity to say why you want permanent resident status because it protects you from exploitation. Give examples of where you were mistreated. 

Section 4 

Questions 25 to 35

This section asks demographic information such as level of education, country of origin, language you speak, gender. Please respond acordingly. 

Section 5 

Question 36 to 39

This part is about your interest in coming back to Canada, and if you would apply for Permanent Residency. 

Use this section to reiterate why you want permanent residency for all and why you cannot apply, because there are no access to PR for some groups of migrant workers such as Farmworkers. 

Section 6 

Send the survey – This is where you will find the Submit button for the survey. 

Let’s unite together and make sure Canada does the right thing and grants Permanent Status For All – including people without papers and those who arrive in the future. Sign the petition


Do you want to stay informed about upcoming changes, events, and actions send us a WhatsApp message now and save our number in your phone contacts (This is a private and confidential list, and will not risk your job or status in any way): 

Farmworkers (ENG): 905-324-2840

Trabajadores Agrícolas: 647-807-4722

Care workers: 647-782-6633

Fishery workers (English and Spanish): 506-251-7467

Celebrate grape and wine season by thanking a migrant vineyard worker!

Before a bottle of wine reaches you at the store or a glass of wine is set on your table at a restaurant, the grapes are grown, harvested, and processed by migrant vineyards workers from Mexico, Vietnam, and Caribbean countries.

We are separated from our families for over half a year and miss out on family birthdays, graduations, and funerals. It’s heartbreaking to be away for so long and the days can seem never ending. Your support during the season encourages us to keep pushing through. We want to hear from you!

Get the Facts: Family Open Work Permits for Farmworkers

You deserve to be together with your family – all migrants do! Sadly, the Canadian government keeps us separated by denying us permanent resident status. One way the government promises to unite migrant families is through measures like open work permits for family members.

What is the Family Open Work Permit?

For years, migrant workers like you have been speaking up and taking action together about family unity. In 2022 the Canadian government was pressured to allow more spouses and adult children dependents of some migrant workers to get open work permits in the country. (Read the government announcement here.)

This expanded government measure has 3 phases:

  1. Phase 1 started January 30, 2023 which is for family members of workers in the high-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the International Mobility Program. Farm workers are excluded.
  2. Phase 2 will expand to family members of workers from the low-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, after consultations with bosses. This phase will still exclude farm workers.
  3. Phase 3 is consultations with bosses in the agricultural industry to see if including family members of farm workers will benefit them and their business. It is not guaranteed that farm workers will be included after the consultations.

You can see how farm workers are shut out at every phase, this isn’t fair! That’s why we’re uniting together to take action and win change to the unfair system. Join us: Send a WhatsApp message to 905-324-2840 for more information about how you can make a change with us.

Who can apply?

  • Family members of workers in high-wage streams of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the International Mobility Program

Not sure if your job qualifies as high-wage? You must be earning what’s called the “median hourly wage” or higher, which depends on what province in Canada you work.

Current wages for farmworkers in Canada are as low as $13/hour and we deserve so much more! That’s why we’re also fighting for higher wages, so our families will have more opportunities.

Do you agree that your family deserves more? Send a WhatsApp message to us at 905-324-2840 to learn how you can join our fight to win a better life!

Who cannot apply?

  • Farm workers in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program and the Agricultural Stream (Ag-Stream) of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program
  • Fishery workers who are not in the high-wage stream
  • Any migrant worker in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program who is paid low wages
  • Migrants with Open Work Permits for Vulnerable Workers who are paid low wages
  • Migrants with work permits who are also refugee claimants or H&C applicants
  • Migrants without papers/immigration status

To read the full requirements, tap this link:

So many people are shut out of this measure, it’s not fair.

That’s why migrant workers are uniting together to take action and win change, including permanent resident status for all, so that we can all be together with our families!